Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random blabberings

It’s only Tuesday, and I still have another two more days to the weekend. I often wonder whether it’s only me who waits so fervently for the weekends. Nah! I’m sure; almost everyone out there would probably be like me. However I wait with greater anticipation. (at least that’s what I think). It’s almost like I wake up every day during the week with the hope that its one day closer to the weekend. Ah! Such is my life- Cést la vie.

I was watching Dr. Phil on TV last night (not that I am a habitual viewer, but while flipping channels if it’s on I do watch it) and there was this girl who looked gorgeous to me but was extremely unhappy with her looks. She wanted to have a minimum of 8 plastic surgeries done and that was to start off with. I just looked at her and thought to myself, how petty we can all become. I say this because even me myself, I do crib about the slighted of marks on my body. I don’t obsess about it but yeah I do have my qualms. I always believe in looking at someone who is not as privileged as us whenever we sulk over a problem. I mean for heaven sake look at someone who’s a victim of a third degree burn and is scarred all over.
There was another candidate on the very same show who had undergone secondary Rhinoplasty and was suffering extreme repercussions. A part of his nose became black and then it fell off. I know it sounds eew in all, but think of the poor guy. He had to undergo several reconstructive surgeries and had a very bad scar across his forehead due to one of the surgeries that was done to refigure his nose.

All this goes to show greed gets us nowhere. Whether it’s being unsatisfied with our face, body shape, job or whatever else we are disgruntled with. But this is not to say that when I am a older I wouldn’t consider Botox or its equivalent. I am not sure – I haven’t reached there and I wouldn’t know till then. I do believe in ageing gracefully but I also believe in looking after ourselves.

Self esteem is pivotal in everyone’s life and especially in mine. I am a self made person and by the grace of God have reached so far. But even so I have many insecurities in my life which I do try and overcome. Some insecurities will always remain, maybe not in the conscious part of our active brains, but some that lies deep embedded in our subconscious minds.

Anyways coming back to what I watched on TV last night, I am quite enjoying expressing my thoughts on the different events that I come across throughout the day. Whether its from the television, newspapers or something I read on the internet. I think every topic is worth talking about. I love talking and enjoy listening to others too.
No wonder I’m getting hooked on to reading others blogs and blabbering away in mine too. Ans moreover work is not at all busy or exciting at this point in time so I have plenty of time to spare. Its all good. Cést la vie


The Extravagate said...

I’ve been hearing a lot of people doing plastic surgery or wanting to. I think its scary if they r between 18 -22 and ready to get under a surgeons knight, when it’s clearly not necessarily then what’s going to happen after 20 years or 30 years from now ,,it wont be only a nose or jaw job.

Kk said...

I love my nose! I adore it!
It is sooo pointy!

The last I want is t disturb aanything in my face! People suck after surgeries - They undergoes stress, processes and after all this it must be sad if they didn't get the results they desired for.

An Arabian Dream said...

Notorious in the US, these TV shows talk about kids as young as 12 undergoing plastic surgery and the best part is - the parents are okay with it!!??!!

Bobby I am not sure of the exact statistics, but I do know a large number of patients are not happy with their surgery results. Guess such ppl can never be satisfied.