Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I love birthdays! People always talk about getting older but I cant be buggered to think about age when there is an occasion to celebrate! Age is a reason but a birthday is an occasion. I guess one has a choice. I definitely choose the occasion or any other reason for that matter to celebrate. It gives me immense joy in organizing festivities, celebrations, or any other happy occasion for that matter. I often wonder why?

I guess life is short and its best enjoyed laughing and enjoying the company of your loved ones. Those moments of happiness are most often than not, the ones captured as pics in cameras. We would love to forget the mundane routines of our lives, the tensions and other things that always pre occupy our mind. Oh give me any reason and I would love to celebrate.

I think even a small intimate dinner with your partner is a celebration on its own. It could be as small as to share something eventful that happened during the day. Why not? I am most happy when I feel appreciated and loved and when I can make my partner happy. Cos I know when he is happy then I am appreciated in return. It’s a vivacious circle of human emotions.

I mean don’t get me wrong, that’s not to say my life is a bed of roses. Oh, even I have my roller coaster moments, the retarded sensitiveness when I’m pmsing, or the occasional insecurities that creeps and stings, the sensations of being stepped over, being nonexistent for one of your loved ones or the general frustrations in life. It’s a very long list and I am sure on and off I will have lots of occasions to pen down on those.

But coming back to celebrations, you see that the best part. You forget that you’ve had a mood swing, or that you have been yelled upon or you have been hurt by someone. You are just waiting for a reason to forget the wounds in life for those few hours when your celebrating.

I am also exactly like that. I’m not having the best of my days today, you know when everything appears to be very bla……For no particular reason that too. However I still look forward to the evening, cos I know I’ll forget the former part of my day and just bask in the moments of cheerfulness and pleasure.

I think live and let live, celebrate and enjoy.. Cést la vie.


The Extravagate said...

Aaaw who doesn’t love celebrations.. even those ppl who say they don’t they know deep inside that they do .. it just turns everything dark and twisty to bright and shiny :P ..Happy 4 yaa

An Arabian Dream said...

Yeah true N....
I had a great time last nite.Indeed all the blaa..ness just vanished!